Bigrrr Gbr Airsoft Mechanical Bb Shower Simulator Hand Grenade

Bigrrr Gbr Airsoft Mechanical Bb Shower Simulator Hand Grenade

Simple but Advanced CS:GO Guide for Beginners to Become a Pro

  • Introduction
  • How to Optimize Your PC for Playing CS:Go
  • Launch Settings
  • The Game
    • Coincidental Style
    • Competitive Manner
    • Economics
    • Basic Money
    • Frag Money (Money for Killing the Opponent)
    • How To Go out of a Lucifer in CS:Get?
    • Ranks
    • War Games
    • Wingman
    • Deathmatch
    • Danger Zone
    • Customs Server Mode
  • Game Devices
    • Mouse
    • Keyboard
    • Video Menu
    • Sound
    • Microphone
  • Weapons
    • Pistols
    • Shotguns
    • Pistol Machine Guns
    • Assail Rifles
    • Sniper Rifles
    • Motorcar Guns
    • Grenades
    • Knives
  • Skins
  • Maps
  • FAQ


CS:GO is the earth'south near famous shooter, which has attracted the attending of every gamer worldwide. But how did it all start? Well, let's go back to the tardily '90s. In 1998, Valve released the One-half-Life game mode Counter-Strike.

As a split up game, Counter-Strike appeared in 2000, and as a stand-alone production, Counter-Strike came out on Steam on November viii, 2003. For quite a long time, the most popular Counter-Strike version was ane.6. Information technology was in demand fifty-fifty afterwards CS:SOURCE was released.

Things inverse in 2012 when Counter-Strike: Global Offensive came out. For real, it was a massive game changer. Check out our article about how many people get crazy playing CS:GO for hours and hours.

Now CS:GO has switched to a gratis model. Prime Matchmaking, which binds your account to a telephone number, remains paid, which in plow reduces the chance of getting into a game with a cheater.

How Tin can Y'all Download the Game:

  1. Follow this link
  2. Click Play Game (It'southward free to play)
  3. Follow the instructions

How to Optimize Your PC for Playing CS:Get


If yous do not have a super powerful computer, but actually want to play CS:Become, then you lot should make certain that your PC is ready to withstand loftier loads.

There are some unproblematic rules to optimize PC for playing CS:Get:

  • Go on your computer clean: both inside (practise not download any third-party software) and externally (do not forget to periodically clean information technology from dust)

  • Update the drivers! One of the near simple but effective rules, which can sometimes give a boost which is equivalent to buying a newer video card

  • Close all third-party software before starting the game! Especially browsers! Having a examination with an open browser and closed, yous volition be surprised how much Google Chrome eats memory.

If these elementary tips did non help, then we recommend you read our commodity on FPS in CS:GO, where you lot will find more tips on how to play CS:GO without lags.

Launch Settings


Many players do not know what startup settings are. In short, these are special console commands that are automatically applied when you are entering the game. So there is no need to apply them each time.

Wondering how gear up launch settings?

  1. Correct-click the game icon in the Steam games library
  2. Select Properties
  3. Click Set Launch Settings to enter the needed commands

Here is just a small list of useful csgo commands:

  • -novid - skips loading video in the begging of a game

  • -panel - turns on the console in the game

  • -freq "number" - the screen refresh rate, for instance 120 (-freq "120"

  • -loftier - high priority game launch

Consummate command listing along with detailed description can exist found in our CS:Become Launch Options – Ultimate Guide commodity.

To see which configs and devices are used past professional players, please proceed to our article PRO CS:GO Players Settings & Configs Explained

The Game


When y'all enter the game, you see a menu which contains two side sub-menus.

Right sidebar features:

  • Your profile
  • Online friends listing
  • Your CS:GO rank
  • People nearby, whom you lot can invite to play

Left side carte du jour features:

  • Your onetime matches
  • Settings
  • Your Inventory
  • Selecting the game mode

The showtime thing yous should showtime with is the Tutorial.


It will give you the opportunity to control your character, shoot from dissimilar weapons, throw grenades and fifty-fifty plant and defuse a bomb. The final task will be speed altitude passage, where you're shooting moving targets. Feels like Rambo! Think it's easy? Endeavor to go the altitude faster than 11 seconds and get the new tape holder!

Later completing the training, y'all can start learning the game modes…permit's check them out!

Casual Mode


This mode will help you to get all the basics of the game. "Coincidental" battle may include any number of players. Perhaps you're also wondering what is the goal of the battle? But commencement things offset. There are two teams in the game: Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists.

In that location are several ways of winning a round:

  • Bomb-planting / flop-defusing
  • Hostages rescue
  • Kill the enemy team

Task - to impale opponents (or complete main mission of the map - hostages rescue; bomb planting/defusing). If the team has coped with the kill every opponent task, it earns points which are added to their bank.

Bomd planting/defusing

Terrorists win the round after successfully exploding the bomb. The bomb is given to a random thespian on the terrorist team each round, and it tin can exist transferred betwixt players.

Bomb can be planted in certain areas of the map:

  • Establish A
  • Plant B

Both of them available in any flop-planting map.

The bomb explodes 35 seconds afterwards planting. If the opponents do not have time to defuse it and information technology explodes - your team won the round despite the number of surviving opponents.

Winning conditions for counter-terrorists

Counter-terrorists, in plough, win the round if terrorists did not institute the bomb after the time of the circular has passed, or if the counter-terrorists defused it, or killed all of the opponents.

Maps with hostage release

At that place are terrorists controlling a grouping of hostages, and there are counter-terrorists who must save them and bring them to their base.

  • The task of the Terrorists is not to lose a single earnest
  • The task of the Counter-Terrorists is to save at least one of them, which will guarantee a won circular.

The "Casual" way itself is played for 16 rounds, or up to eight rounds won by 1 of the teams. Each round, the team buys equipment for the money earned during the previous circular. Another plus of the mode is that you have default armor! Therefore, fifty-fifty if you lose the round, y'all will exist protected and prepared for the next 1.

Competitive Mode


Competitive mode is needed for you to proceeds feel before competing, since overall victory depends on each actor. Wondering what is the manner'southward main feature? In fact, the whole basis of this way is similar to Casual. Only there are games with 5-vs-5 setup.

The game consists of two parts:

  • In the starting time part, you play for one side, thinking through tactics for each round
  • In the 2d office there is a alter of sides, and you find yourself "on the other side of the barricades".

xv rounds each (or upward to a winning score of 16 points). The competitive way tin can be considered more hardcore because in this mode yous do non have automatically purchased armor (as usual)!

Difference in start money for CS:Become modes:

  • Competitive mode - $800
  • Coincidental mode - $thou



The economics is available only in Coincidental and Competitive modes.

Bones Coin

  • Money in the first round for the side - $ 800 ($ 1000 in casual)
  • The maximum possible amount is $ 16000 ($ 10000 in normal)
  • For a won round without a planted bomb - $ 3250
  • For a won round with planting the flop - $ 3500
  • For a lost round with a set up flop (T-side) - $ 800
  • For the first lost round - $ 1900 and plus $ 500 for each next round lost in a row up to 5 ($ 3,900)
  • Personal reward for planting the flop - $ 300
  • Personal advantage for bomb defusing - $ 300
  • For killing an ally, a personal penalisation - minus $ 300
  • For a lost round, a personal advantage of $ 0

Frag Coin (Money for Killing an Opponent)

  • With a knife - $ 1500
  • A shotgun kill - $ 900
  • A kill with a submachine gun (except P90) - $ 600
  • A kill with a CZ-75 pistol or an AWP sniper rifle - $ 100
  • A kill with Zeus shocker - $ 0
  • A impale with any other type of weapon - $ 300

How to Exit a Match in CS:GO?

While playing multiplayer shootouts in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, players can initiate voting to kick bots or someone for spoiling the game. Usually, this happens when that guy is super rude or can't play adequately. Ane of the weirdest things here is a desire to kicking yourself.

Read our guide on how to boot youtself in CS:GO to discover something new from the world of this legendary game!


The CS:GO rank organization tin be structured into iv types:

  • Low
  • Normal
  • Loftier
  • Very high

Depression Level

Information technology is the basic level which yous are most likely to receive subsequently the calibration.

csgo_ranks_silver Looks like a silver stripe token.

This rank includes Argent titles:

  • Silver (Silver) 1-4
  • Argent Elite
  • Silver master.

They say these levels are accomplished by the laziest and most inept players. In our opinion, it is not the instance, since there are many newcomers and even experienced people who occasionally drib in to play 1 or two matches. If you play at this rank, and a player who smokes everyone is upwardly against you, it may be a smurf. A smurf is a person who raises some other actor'south level. They're usually constitute on depression ranks.

Normal Level

Information technology'south for players who accept passed the threshold of Silver level and are set to go to the next one, receiving a gold rank:

  • Gold Star


  • Gold Nova

Normal lvl rank contains the next titles:

  • Aureate Nova 1-3
  • Gold nova master
  • Master guardian 1-two.

At this rank there are the nearly experienced players who take passed a few hundred maps in competitive fashion. There are fewer boosters, inadequates and cheaters, only sometimes they still come up beyond in 1 of the teams.

High level

Is available only to veterans of Counter-Strike, who have the titles of the categories:

  • Master guardian aristocracy
  • Honored master guardian

Hither, everyone knows the maps perfectly, knows how to shoot accurately and fast, acts clearly, responds quickly to changes in the situation and is coordinated with teammates. At this level, the skill of the players is equally high every bit if everyone uses cheats.

Very High level

In other words, the elite level.

People should have the following ranks:

  • Legendary eagle
  • Legendary eagle master
  • Supreme principal of the highest rank (Supreme master commencement form)
  • World aristocracy (The global aristocracy)

Bank check out our complete tips list on how to increment your rank in CS:GO.

Cheaters and boosters are rarely found here, by and large at this level you'll find professional and meridian players who participate in international CS:Become competitions. Read more nigh the upcoming CS:GO tournaments in our article.

War Games


State of war games manner consists of three different mini-games:

  • Artillery race
  • Demolition
  • Flying scoutman

Arms race - the style in which y'all need to kill opponents with each blazon of weapon. In the starting time, yous are given a pistol, and with subsequent kills you go better weapons. The winner is the player who, afterwards performing kills from all guns, kills the enemy with a knife.


Demolition is a mode in which a weapon improves when committing kills. To win a round, y'all must complete the task or destroy the opposing team.


Flying scoutman - a way with reduced gravity, where players wielding SSG 08, are trying to kill opponents during a jump.




This is 2-vs-2 mode. It has its own titles, which are identical with the titles of the competitive fashion. In improver, the mode has its own list of maps, selected specifically for 4 players on the server.



The mode in which yous appear in a random place on the map, having any weapon that you lot like to kill your opponents. Many come to play it for a couple of minutes to gear up for competitive mode. The disadvantage of this fashion is that you are playing in a squad and y'all cannot start friendly fire. Therefore, you spend more than time searching for the enemy than actually killing the enemy. That is why many players adopt informal servers to warm up before playing games.

Danger Zone


This is a new mode, a "battle royale" in CS:GO. You state on the island and start looking for weapons with 17 enemies. The primary job is to stay alive, which requires killing enemies.


Divide game servers with a variety of modes. Here you can detect such game modes every bit 1vsall, 1vs1, zombie modes, etc.

OK. At present you are familiar with what CS:Become is, but before you lot beginning the game, we'd recommend yous to familiarize yourself with the initial CS:GO settings and important scripts that will allow you to integrate into the game process as quickly as possible.

Game Devices



The sensitivity of the mouse is one of the most important things in CS:GO.

Sensitivity affects:

  • Rapid aiming of the sight at an enemy
  • The accurateness of shooting at the enemy

How to adapt mouse sensitivity

Conform the sensitivity y'all need, depending on your mouse. In order to correctly make up one's mind at what value it is easiest for you lot to play, effort on the preparation map to apace aim the bots that will run out from around the corner, or simply motion forth a certain route - this style yous will immediately understand whether the set value effectively reflects your aim. If the motility is likewise sharp and sometimes "overpowers" through the enemy, y'all should set the value lower and attempt again.

Be careful! If your mouse sensitivity is too low, in that location is a run a risk of being caught by surprise and to not have fourth dimension to plow on the enemy because of a slow mouse.

To gear up the mouse sensitivity:

  • Go to SettingsKeyboard
  • MouseMouse sensitivity
  • It is recommended to choose a value between two-4, as generally this is optimal for a stable game

Configuring mouse preferences in CS:GO is non limited to the sensitivity. It is worth paying attention to other parameters. Possibly some changes will make you more successful in virtual skirmishes:

  • Mouse Inversion is a rather peculiar setting. It enables an interesting way: you move the mouse in ane management, merely it goes to the opposite in the game itself. Suitable for experimenters.
  • Sensitivity in the approximation - the same every bit the master sensitivity, but just with an activated sniper scope.
  • Mouse acceleration is for those who need sharper movements in the game.
  • The magnitude of the dispatch - the slider is activated when the previous parameter is enabled and sets its performance.

Also, all csgo mouse settings can be washed using panel commands. The most popular among them are the post-obit two:

  • sensitivity 2.7 - mouse awareness, the same as the sensitivity indicator through the settings bill of fare; - good for a quick change of sensitivity without entering the settings menu

  • m_rawinput 1 - this parameter enables the mouse "directly" to bypass the computer'southward operating system, that is, these parameters will work merely in the game; - Often used by professional players to more accurately arrange the mouse in matches.

Speaking nearly picking devices… Well, this case is also private. You tin can significantly simplify your selection by reading our article about the all-time mice of 2018 to find the one that suits yous the all-time.



The keyboard, as well every bit the mouse, is quite an individual thing.

Here is the listing of must-take features for a gaming keyboard:

  • Loftier-quality keyboards requite the maximum pressing speed and maximum reliability
  • Additional functions and buttons
  • Macro programming
  • Backlighting.

Keyboards are structured past ii types:

  • Mechanical
  • Membrane

Membrane keyboards are the most common and universal option. Such keyboards are represented in the low-medium price segment.

Main characteristics of membrane keyboards:

  • Each central of such keyboards is a rubber membrane that provides resistance and also central return
  • Pressing keys is moderately tight
  • Erasers in membrane keyboards have low longevity, lose their elasticity, wear and so much that they can intermission
  • It also supports a minor number of simultaneous keystrokes, and the buttons work only when fully pressed to the cease
  • Membrane keyboards take low cost and quiet operation

These keyboards are poorly suited to gamers.

Mechanical keyboards are the perfect solution for gamers.

Main characteristics of mechanical keyboards:

  • They are based on mechanical switches that are very reliable and can withstand l-70 million clicks
  • They piece of work faster than membrane keys - the signal is registered before the primal goes down to the end, and the render to the initial state occurs almost instantly
  • Mechanical switches, different membrane ones, practise non get fatigued and always piece of work as new
  • At that place is also support for multiple simultaneous clicks, which is very useful for gamers
  • A drawback of these keyboards is increased dissonance afterward key pressing.

Video Menu


The almost common bug among all CS:Get problems is low frame rate. Many people want to increase the FPS, including gamers, with a piece of outdated equipment and players with powerful computers who are not efficiently using existing capabilities. Video card capabilities and right setup are two of the main factors that decide the FPS level. The right NVIDIA graphics settings for CS:GO allows to increase the frame rate.

To increase the frame rate in CS:GO, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Control panel of the video card
  2. Go to the 3D Options tab
  3. Select Adjusting prototype settings with viewing item
  4. Set the functioning priority and identify the quality indicator to the minimum value in User settings with a focus on:
  5. Go to Manage 3D Parameters tab, to replace the global iii-dimensional parameters by creating substitutions for certain programs
  6. Select CS:Go in Program settings
  7. Open Texture filtering → Quality, select High performance
  8. Click Employ changes

For AMD Radeon graphics cards, the sequence is slightly different:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select the AMD Catalyst Control Center
  2. Adjacent, go to Parameters and Advanced View tab
  3. Later on switching to the Games tab, select 3D application settings
  4. Click Add together to specify the path to the game binder, changing the settings
  5. Subsequently making the changes, click Apply and close the application
  6. Click AMD in the lower right corner, select the first detail in the list
  7. Further 3D-graphics optionsStandard settings and High functioning
  8. Select Turn off in Tessellation
  9. Select Functioning in Catalyst A.I .: Texture filtering quality.
Don't forget to restart the PC after applying all these changes.



Information technology'southward important to right audio tuning in CS:Become for competitive mode, as well as for tournaments, in order to follow a certain tactic of the game, and to be able to tell teammates the location of the opponent. Pre-calibrated audio settings tin can play a cardinal function in such cases.

Read the full guide on how to play music in CS:GO. If you are interested in how to conform the sound in CS:Become, you should properly connect headphones or speakers. In the parameters you must select the appropriate value to adapt the audio in CS:Go:

  • Headphones - if you lot practise not want to disturb others
  • two - if you lot accept two speakers connected to the computer
  • 4 - if the number of speakers is 4
  • 5.1 - if you have an audio system with five speakers and a subwoofer

After that, it is necessary to remove all inapplicable sounds that will drown out the audio of steps, every bit well every bit to decide every bit important parameters:

  • The overall volume of the music is set to 0
  • Turns off the music in the finals of the round, because of which the steps would non be heard
  • Disable audio for the hostage/bomb
  • Turns off the sound for the x-second alarm

Another bespeak to which you should pay attention: high-quality sound in the game requires the appropriate equipment or headphones. You should not blame inaudibility if you play with an audio device you took from your older brother five years ago!


csgo_microphone Since there is a voice conversation function in CS:GO, you lot need to make sure that your microphone works properly. In guild to configure the microphone in CS:Go and remove extraneous sounds, you should perform a number of unproblematic steps. Simply before that, it is better to exam the device.

Ask a friend in the game to go with y'all to some location and conduct a dialogue in the chat or become into whatsoever game mode and do the aforementioned.

If this method does not suit y'all, yous can employ the voice_loopback one console command to check the sound quality. Then you should go into the game with bots (non real players) and say a few words in the chat to check the microphone. What if the microphone doesn't piece of work?

To adapt microphone settings in CS:GO:

  1. Become to Command Panel, click Sound
  2. Click the Record tab
  3. Select a microphone from the device list and set Default properties
  4. Restart the game past checking the device performance through one of the methods described higher up

If the device works, but you hear your vocalisation interfering with the background racket, the required actions will be as follows:

  1. Echo the steps from the previous item to open up the Record tab
  2. Select the desired microphone and click on the Properties button
  3. In the window that appears, open the Heed tab
  4. Remove the checkmark from the item Mind to this device - this is how the echo is removed
  5. If necessary, go to the Properties tab and select Levels
  6. Set up the maximum value for the item Microphone, removing the Proceeds at the minimum

These actions will help to restore the microphone, which volition return the possibility of communication with other team members.

CS:Get panel commands

To be able to enter console commands, you lot will need to actuate the ability to use the console.

To activate CS:Become console, in the game launch options:

  • Enter the selection -console


  • Enable the Enable Developer Console function in the game card settings
  • The console is displayed by pressing the key (~ or East), which is located merely below the Esc key

You can observe a complete listing of CS:Get console commands by reading our detailed guide.


There is no shooter without weapons. And so permit's check them out!

Also, very important function of proper using of any weapon is CS:GO crosshair settings.


And allow'south start with pistols. The game features 9 pistols, and although they are the cheapest weapon in the game, do not underestimate them!



The starting default pistol of counter-terrorists. Information technology is loved past many players. Despite this, it is best to alter information technology after the pistol round.

Tips for using USP-S:

  • Do not try to shoot without stopping, hoping that some bullet will hit the target. You accept merely 12 bullets and 24 spare bullets
  • The all-time tactic when playing with USP-S is to take a long position with cover (for instance, Pent A on Dust2, Hangar on the street on Nuke, mid on Enshroud, etc)

Important: Exercise non remove the silencer from the USP-Due south. With the silencer removed, the spread increases, which will adversely affect the accuracy of your shooting!



P2000 Alternative for USP-S. Different USP-S, it has thirteen bullets instead of 12 and 52 spares instead of 24. If yous look at the performance, the deviation is not particularly huge, just the tactic is completely different.

Tips for using P2000:

  • A thespian with p2000 should be close to the opponent's position, releasing 2-iii bullets, aiming at the opponent's head
  • You should not assault and run out on enemies with this gun because of its small magazine chapters.



Starting gun for terrorists.

Pros of the Glock-18:

  • High burn rate
  • Big shop and a small return

Cons of the Glock-xviii:

  • Pocket-size damage
Sometimes you lot may think: I run into how this weapon's bullets reach the body of the enemy, but they do not impale him! Am I shooting at him with peas!? Well, this is Glock-xviii...

Tips for using Glock-eighteen:

  • Endeavour to shoot the enemy with as many bullets as possible
  • Shoot close, aim at the head and belly
  • Glock xviii is suitable for the showtime round
  • Information technology is quite effective against opponents which do not have a impenetrable vest
  • Glock allows you to burn a series of three shots.



The cheapest weapon amid pistols, merely is quite effective. Although P250 costs only $300, it gives pretty practiced impairment to the head - 151 and 96(in full armor). Thus, when you striking the enemy'south head, there will be only 4 HP left. Not bad for eco, right?

Tips for using P250:

  • Have unexpected positions or hide then that y'all have a better take chances of communicable the enemy off guard
  • Thus, in addition to a shot in the head, you can as well finish off the enemy
  • P250 is astonishing for eco-rounds, as information technology recoups its toll immediately after 1 impale
  • As skilful every bit a 2nd weapon for snipers



An exclusive pistol for counter-terrorists. It was quite popular dorsum in a 24-hour interval, only modern players don't like this weapon much. And information technology'south all due to the nerfs of this weapon. As a issue, reduced accurateness and "it used to be better, why take it now" stigma. However, it costs merely $500 and may be a good choice for you lot to punish reckless opponents who attack y'all.

Tips for using 5-Vii:

  • Commencement 2 bullets are the near authentic
  • While the opponents are far away, shoot one or two bullets, aiming at the head
  • In example the enemy is already very close to you - experience free to shoot as many bullets as possible in a 2d
  • You certainly have plenty ammo to spend as many bullets as you want



Sectional for terrorists and, at the same fourth dimension, one of the nearly controversial pistols available in the game. Previously, this gun was loved and hated in equal measure, only now the nerf has completely killed it.

In one case upon a time,the cybersport team Fnatic bought Tec-9 and simply rushed in one direction, killing everyone in their path.

Tips for using Tec-9:

  • It is best to take information technology when you are sure that you will spend the whole round in closed locations, shooting at curt distances. In this example, Tec-9 will bring the maximum benefit
  • Attempt to use this weapon while y'all're close to the enemy, aiming at the head and leading the sight lower



1 of the most unusual and circuitous pistols. This gun has just 12 bullets and 12 spares. Merely nigh importantly, it is automatic!

Cons of CZ75-Machine:

  • High recoil
  • Few bullets in the magazine
  • Long reloading
  • Very long animation of reaching for the weapon
Just, at the aforementioned time, experienced players who know how to properly use information technology are very fond of information technology.

Tips for using CZ75-Machine:

  • Very good impairment and penetrability
  • CZ75-Motorcar is capable of killing i or 2 enemies
  • Don't from the long distance

Dual Berettas


The essence of fun gaming. A weapon loved by and then many players. Even by cyber sportsmen!

Quite a large besprinkle from this weapon is compensated by a high rate of fire, a large magazine (xxx bullets), and the obligatory headshots that your opponent gets if you lot shoot these Italian pistols correctly.

Tips for using Dual Berettas:

  • Shoot in motion and utilize it while hiding
  • Try to have the enemy's head the target
  • If you decided to proceed shooting, move the telescopic lower, so there'south more chance to inflict heavy damage on the enemy



This revolver fabricated every player a cowboy for two weeks right subsequently its advent. It was previously known as the RDR2. Initially, its operation was so powerful that information technology killed with the first bullet in the body (its characteristics were equal to AWP) at the initial price of $ 850! The revolver simply broke the game on leave and reduced damage (now it is equal to SSG 08). Now it is not that pop, fifty-fifty after decreasing its price (now it costs $ 600).

Tips for using R8:

  • Don't employ R8 in the competitive style
  • Try to hit the enemy in the head from the offset bullet
  • The problem is that after the onslaught of the mouse and before the shot, it takes some time, and all this time you lot need to stay pointing at the opponent's head, which is quite difficult

Desert Eagle

Imagine: you lot bought an AWP for which you saved upwardly for 4 rounds, you know that your opponents spent all their money in the last round, merely you get taken out with a headshot.

In fact, Deagle has very loftier damage and very high accurateness, but only seven bullets in the mag do not let y'all make the bullets pelting, and then you have to spend 1-3 bullets for 1 enemy.

Tips for using Desert Eagle:

  • Stay nether cover and shoot from a distance (if the enemy does not have AWP)
  • Shooting with Deagle deals adept impairment, but is quite difficult. Focus to shoot the enemy's head
  • A shot from Deagle can impale three opponents in a row with 1 bullet if they stand ane behind each other


For people with really practiced reaction and hearing.

Tips for using shotguns:

  • Hide and wait for the enemy
  • Shoot from the close distance
  • You lot accept merely ane chance: you either kill the enemy, which gives you the opportunity to kill a couple of onlookers

Let's cheque out every shotgun in CS:Get.



Exclusive shotgun for the terrorists. Ane of the most unpopular weapons in the game… But it has the about cute skins! The unpopularity of this weapon is explained by the fact that terrorists almost often attack without waiting for the enemy, and information technology is rather difficult to come close with a Sawed-off.

Tips for using Sawed-Off:

  • Shoot from the close distance
  • I shotgun charge should be enough



Alternative Sawed-Off for counter-terrorists, which is used much more oft. Has a holder of 5 bullets, which is very user-friendly to fly into the crowd of opponents, which you tin can kill during an aggressive game on their part. Likewise, quite often it tin exist used when trying to kill an enemy from an ambush or in a bound.

Tips for using Magazine-vii:

  • Stand up as close as you can to the possible exit of the enemy
  • Heed to the footsteps in your management
  • You can throw a light-dissonance grenade or ask your partner to do information technology. Turn abroad. The grenade blinds opponents. Come out and impale



One of the cheapest shotguns in the line (along with Sawed-Off). It is quite hard to play with it, but sometimes it works… if it's in the right hands.

The tactics with shotguns are always the aforementioned:

  • Sit
  • Wait
  • Kill

The all-time you tin can get from purchasing Nova in the second round later on the victorious one, or it will be an platonic investment when you are firmly convinced that your opponent is eco. And if there is armor on the enemy, then Nova may not make the kill, and and so all that remains is running away!

Tips for using Nova:

  • Sit down behind a cover
  • Shoot bullets ane past one
  • Open fire from behind the comprehend



An automatic shotgun made to kill enemies who have decided that they can rush you. Its benefit is the ability to quickly scatter opponents on the sides. The con is its smallest damage in the class and huge scatter. Think twice earlier going to the enemy!

Tips for using XM1014:

  • Shotgun volition have abroad all opponents if they get too close
  • Shoot and hide

Pistol Automobile Guns

Pistols machine guns (or simpler PP) are the all-time weapon for two-3 rounds, or at forced purchase. They can bring an enemy down… Although these weapons are worse than assail rifles.



The cheapest in its class, MAC-10 is bachelor only for terrorists. Information technology's actually skillful for playing confronting enemies without armor and a helmet. On the second and third round, it can help go through pistol rounds.

Tips for using MAC-10:

The main strategy of terrorists to play with this gun is a "run and kill" strategy.

It is the best selection for a combo with a light-noise grenade so that your opponents cannot kill you with a headshot.

Interesting fact: You tin buy a Mac-ten on a pistol round. All you need is not to spend coin and kill one enemy, and then render to the base and buy a Mac-10. And all this in xx seconds. Good luck!



MP9 is an alternative to MAC-10 for counter-terrorists. The tactics are exactly the same as for terrorists with Mac-10. Under the light-noise grenade, you look for the enemy, impale and hibernate. Repeat.

Tips for using MP9:

  • Since the spread of this gun is but cosmic, it is necessary to start an attack after your enemy gets as shut as possible
  • If the enemy is all the same in the middle altitude, attempt to kill him, aiming at the caput with 1-iii bullets



PP has the everyman damage. Although it has 64 bullets, Bison fans can be establish extremely rarely, equally any other PP volition perform better.

Tips for using PP-Bizon:

  • Extremely minor damage is compensated by 64 ammo
  • The tactic is elementary: pull the trigger and run to the nearest enemy



Ane of the all-time weapons comparison cost/quality. Now almost everyone is playing with information technology. In the right easily, this gun is able to work out for you without yielding to assault rifles. With its low recoil, loftier rate of burn and "non-pea" damage, the UMP-45 is one of the best PPs at the moment.

Tips for using UMP-45:

  • Shots need to burst
  • three-4 bullets, aiming at the caput, at close and medium distances
  • Spray, if the enemy is likewise shut



This i is the closest to an set on rifle. With xxx bullets in stock, proficient firing rate and strong penetrability, a $ 1500 weapon can sometimes exist more dangerous than its more expensive competitors!

Tips for using MP7:

  • Shoot at medium distances
  • Aim for the head, utilise 1-three bullets
  • If you are shut - flare-up



Enemies hate it, kids love information technology. It's really piece of cake to impale opponents with it: yous just need to run belongings Fire. With just a frenzied charge per unit of fire and l bullets in a magazine, you tin can easily take down your opponents.

Tips for using P90:

  • Run frontward (preferably nether a calorie-free-noise grenade) and spray just below the opponent's head

Assault Rifles

Well, we got to the most important tools in the game. Let's start!

Galil AR


An exclusive and rather mortiferous weapon for terrorists for $2000, which has a big spread. Very useful if in that location is petty money, but more damage is required. It has 35 bullets but does not kill with the beginning bullet in the head (if wearing a helmet).

Tips for using Galil AR:

  • Shoot 3-4 bullets aiming at the head and taking the sight slightly lower
  • Spraying with a Galil is non advised, because of its inaccuracy
  • Shoot from close and middle distances



Culling to Galil AR for counter-terrorists. Different Galil, FAMAS has simply 25 bullets in the holder, and low fire rate, dealing little damage to the head, but has a rather low render and user-friendly shooting control. Considered as an choice when you lot are short on money.

Tips for using FAMAS:

  • FAMAS has a outburst burn mode, which, in fact, is rarely used
  • Shoot one-three (in the distance) and 5-6 bullets (on boilerplate, due to the easily controlled clamp) and flare-up when an enemy appears



The main weapon for terrorists, the standard weapon in the game. AK kills with a headshot in a helmet with a single bullet, which already gives it tremendous respect from all fans of the game!

Tips for using AK-47:

  • It is also worth knowing that the first bullet flies right into the target, i.e. shot 2-three bullets at once. If the enemy is very close, the clip should be held, aiming at the head and moving the weapon down.

Important: Often, many newbies make the fault of spraying the entire clip at a time. This makes the AK-47 hard to control and gives an advantage to an enemy. To avoid this, practice shooting in short bursts.



Alternative to the AK-47 for counter-terrorists. Unlike the AK, M4A4 is a lower-damage weapon, but at the same time, it is convenient and accurate. M4A4 looks like a more attractive option for experienced players.

Tips for using M4A4:

  • Shoot at 5-6 bullets aiming for the head, property it slightly lower.
  • If the enemy is far away, so it is all-time to shoot 2-3 bullets at once aiming at the head.

M4A1-Due south


Another AK-47 alternative for counter-terrorists. This weapon competes with the M4A4. The departure between M4A4 and M4A1-Southward is non that big.

Pros of M4A1-S:

  • Smaller spread of bullets and a silencer

Cons of M4A1-S:

  • twenty bullets in the holder and threescore in addition

Tips for using M4A1-S:

  • If the enemy is at a far altitude, shoot ii-3 bullets at once aiming at the head
  • Get out time for reload, due to small corporeality of bullets in the magazine



An exclusive weapon for counter-terrorists, which is gaining its popularity. AUG is the but automatic rifle for counter-terrorists, that has a scope . It is quite easy to use, which allows beginners to quickly get used to the physics of the game.

Tips for using AUG:

  • Useful for defence
  • Shoot at medium distances

SG 553


The only sight-equipped automatic rifle for terrorists.

Cons of SG 553:

  • Reduced accurateness and increased scatter
Practicing will make SG 553 a deadly weapon

Tips for using SG 553:

  • Accurateness drops quickly when shooting with a "clip"
  • When "clamping" for a long time, the accuracy is as bad as the Negev and the spread is larger, than AK 47
  • Use bursts of fire to keep the spread in a normal position, practise not "pinch"
Interesting fact: it completely ignores armor and helmets!

Sniper Rifles

In CS:GO there are four types of sniper rifles.

SSG 08


Austrian sniper rifle with a sliding bolt. Magazine of this rifle contains 10 NATO 7.62 x 51mm caliber ammos, forth with xc reserved ammos. The SSG 08 is a very inexpensive rifle, suitable for the first rounds.

You lot won't kill an enemy if you shoot in the breast and breadbasket, and if the enemy has an armor.

Tips for using SSG 08:

  • Playing competitive mode, hit the enemy in the stomach
  • Avert a fight confronting a group of enemies since the firepower of SSG 08 does not allow y'all to fight several opponents at in one case



So we got to the main fear and love of all players in CS:Go. AWP kills with one shot, no matter what office of body hit the bullet, except the legs.

Tips for using AWP:

  • When you fight an enemy sniper, and you cannot impale him with the start shot. The best solution would exist to use a cover or retreat, considering the enemy's sniper can predict your appearance
  • Hibernate while reloading the rifle
  • Shoot in the stomach or chest because this sniper rifle causes heavy harm



Semi-automated sniper rifle, which only Special Forces can buy.

Tips for using SCAR-20:

  • Take position on the longest distance, so that your allies have positions easier
  • SCAR-twenty boasts high damage and low recoil for each shot. This allows the player to shoot a clip into the opponent's body.
  • If y'all are defending an important indicate, it is worthwhile to find a position that is difficult to notice, only which offers a view of the possible exit point of the enemy



Sectional for terrorists, automatic sniper burglarize. This rifle is fast-firing, which makes it easier to kill enemies.

Tips for using G3SG1:

  • Your accuracy depends on your movements. The slighter movements y'all make, the more accurate a shot will be.
  • Keep your gun handy. Use the G3SG1 in combat at long distance and utilize a pistol at shut distance. If the gun is unavailable, try to impale an enemy without aiming.

Motorcar Guns



One of the two motorcar guns in CS:Become. Rarely used in competitive fashion because of its performance and high prices. Each M249 magazine holds 100 bullets of 5.56 caliber armament, and 200 bullets in reserve.

Tips for using M249:

  • Spray and utilize a strafe at close altitude
  • If you know that the enemy is backside a thin wall, shoot through it
  • Never spray if the enemy is at long distance



One of the fastest weapons in the game. Each mag contains 150 bullets.

Main cons of Negev:

  • Loftier recoil
  • Low accuracy

Tips for using Negev:

  • When shooting a "prune" aim all the time lower to command the high recoil
  • Walking, running and jumping while firing from this weapon is non recommended
  • Sit down while shooting, so the accuracy and impact get a lilliputian ameliorate



Grenade is an additional weapon in the unabridged CS series.

In that location are six types of grenades:

  • Flashbang grenade - is a grenade that has the ability to bullheaded the enemy for a while.
  • Fume grenade - grenade, which, after the "explosion" emits smoke.
  • High-explosive (HE) grenade - is the only grenade that inflicts damage (although other grenades can also kill, but but if the enemy has 1 Hp after the explosion.
  • Decoy grenade - Simulates shots, disruptive the enemy.
  • Molotov cocktail - creates a flame at the site of impact. (Available to Terrorists)
  • Incendiary grenade - creates a flame at the site of bear on. (Available for Special Forces)



The pocketknife is a melee weapon available to all teams in the Counter-Strike serial. The knife is free and it tin not be thrown out, except for the Forbidden Zone mode in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

The knife is located in the 3rd weapon slot. Just, you can also utilise Zeus x27 stun gun in the 3rd weapon slot. Player has the maximum movement speed, wearing a knife, that's why we've prepared a list of the cheapest csgo knife skins.

The knife has ii types of set on:

  • Stabbing (fast)
  • Cutting (slow)



Skins brought microtransactions to about all games. What are skins? They are beautiful weapon cosmetics. There are a lot of skins in the game and they are very popular in the gaming community. Information technology is believed that the near expensive skins are for the AWP, AK-47 and the pocketknife. Simply there are skins for every blazon of weapon, except grenades and shocker. You can read more info about weapon types, skins and wear levels in our CS:GO Skin Quality Guide.

Bank check out our commodity about the best CS:Get skin and sticker combinations.


There are quite a few different maps in the game, but vii are considered the main ones, and all of them are maps with a bomb planting scenario. Each of them has its own planting sites:

  • Planting site A
  • Planting site B

Every round, terrorists must set on one of them. At the aforementioned time, counter-terrorists must salvage sites from attack.

Grit two


The actual location of Dust 2 is Kingdom of morocco. Dust 2 is undoubtedly the virtually popular and playable map. The popularity is high due to its residuum and roots from the old school days of the game. It is focused on shooting and killing right off the bat, rather than a tactical approach. The minimum level of data tin be transmitted not by the verbal locations of the enemy, but by the full general regions of the map.



Inferno is a map where the action takes place on the streets of a pocket-size Italian hamlet. Terrorists are trying to found a bomb on two points where boxes with weapons are located. Special Forces should prevent the elimination of these points. This map is 1 of the about popular and balanced.



Delusion is taking place somewhere in the Middle Eastward. The principal battles take place at the bomb laying sites (A and B), in the eye, and in the apartment. Terrorists, using explosive missiles (at site A), want to blow up the diplomatic mission and accept over the city. SWAT is obliged to prevent the explosion. This map is one of the most popular in the game. It is well counterbalanced, and the map offers equally interesting gameplay while playing for both teams - special forces and terrorists.



Nuke depicts Cedar Creek ability plant, in the northward of the United States. The flop constitute consists of 2 levels (A and B). The terrorists are trying to blow them up in 1 of 2 places: from higher up (the bomb's laying site A) or direct near the institute (bomb laying site B). Battles accept place on the street, as well as inside the nuclear power establish. Pay attention to the underground tunnel or, as they say, "secret room", considering information technology is one of the favorite routes to the signal where the terrorists have to set bomb B.



Overpass is a map based on the sewer organisation and flyover in Berlin, Germany. Terrorists are trying to blow up a truck, or rather a rocket which is hidden in information technology. It can exist exloded near the point of A bomb site, or the support of the overpass at the site B, thereby bringing downwardly the truck with the rocket on which it stands. The special forces base is located at the flop point A, where the truck with the rocket is also located. The terrorists' respawn base of operations is at the bottom of the channel. The bomb site B is located below the Special Forces base under the overpass, which can be reached by a staircase. The main battles take identify on the overpass, on the flyover overpass, in the h2o mains, besides as in the park area. This map is condign increasingly popular.

Railroad train


Railroad train is a map simulating a Russian railway depot. Terrorists are trying to flop wagons with nuclear waste (one at each bomb laying site). The special forces must forbid the destruction or kill all the terrorists. The master battles accept place at bomb laying sites (A and B), tunnels, and also in the depot building. The map is large and total of places for camping ground. Railroad train is popular among players.



Cache is a map depicting the abased Ukrainian city of Pripyat, near the Chernobyl nuclear power constitute. Terrorists are trying to ruin boxes of weapon supplies. The special forces must foreclose the destruction or kill the terrorists. The primary battle takes place at the bomb laying sites (A and B), and likewise in the center of the map. The map is small simply balanced.

Update 29.03: Cache was removed from competitive maps. New map was added (Vertigo)



Vertigo is based on a skyscraper that was under structure and centered the conflict between the Counter-Terrorist and the Terrorist teams. The main objective for the Terrorists were to bomb the building while the CTs must foreclose them from achieving their goal.

Also, in addition to the chief ones, there are other C4 (Bomb Planting) maps:

  • Zoo
  • Biome
  • Canals
  • Cobblestone
  • Banking concern
  • Lake
  • Safehouse
  • Shoots
  • St.Mark csgo_bombmaps

At that place are maps with hostages:

  • Agency
  • Assault
  • Italy
  • Militia
  • Office csgo_hostagemaps

Military maps:

  • Baggage
  • Lake
  • Monastery
  • Safehouse
  • Shortdust
  • St.Marc
  • Sugarcane
  • Silly csgo_wargamesmaps

Danger Zone Map:

  • Blacksite

Oof! Quite a long read, isn't information technology? Don't worry, you lot'll get into all of it pretty soon! Also here are CS:GO tips for newbies.

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Bigrrr Gbr Airsoft Mechanical Bb Shower Simulator Hand Grenade

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